Leading real estate LAWYERS

Navigating Legal Horizons, Guiding Business Success.
For You​

Let’s take the first step together and help you win your case.
We are here every step of the way.
Services & SCOPE OF WORK
Legal Excellence, Commercial Brilliance – Where Your Success Finds Its Counsel.

We are committed to delivering the highest standard of legal services, characterized by precision, thoroughness, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence.



We conduct meticulous investigations prior to transactions or investments, examining legal, financial, and operational aspects to identify risks and opportunities, empowering clients with comprehensive insights for informed decisions.



We ensure smooth transitions and successful acquisitions for our clients by expertly navigating legal intricacies involved in purchasing businesses, properties, or assets—from due diligence to deal closure.



Our expertise ensures clients' compliance with laws and regulations. We offer tailored guidance and proactive solutions to address regulatory challenges, safeguarding interests and mitigating risks.



We draft, review, and negotiate commercial agreements tailored to clients' needs and objectives. From business contracts to real estate transactions, we ensure legal soundness, enforceability, and alignment with strategic goals.

Our Practice Areas

From navigating intricate commercial contracts to providing strategic counsel on corporate governance, our practice areas at NWC Advocates encompass a comprehensive spectrum of legal expertise, tailored to safeguard and propel businesses in a dynamic marketplace.

Commercial & Real Estate Law

Our expertise in commercial and real estate law encompasses a broad spectrum of services, including contract negotiation, property transactions, leasing agreements, and dispute resolution.

Immigration Law

Our immigration law services assist individuals and businesses in complex legal immigration matters. From visa applications and residency permits to citizenship issues and deportation defense, our legal solutions tailored to our clients unique circumstances.

Sharia Law

Our Sharia law services cater to individuals and businesses seeking legal advice and representation in matters governed by Islamic law principles. We provide legal guidance on family law matters, inheritance disputes and business transactions.

Driven by purpose
Helping you navigate legal complexities with precision and expertise.

Our approach to work is defined by precision, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. From the moment you engage our services, expect nothing short of our unwavering commitment to your success.


A Client-Centric Approach

We prioritize understanding our clients' unique needs, goals, and challenges, tailoring our services accordingly to consistently surpass client expectations.


Excellence in Expertise

Our team comprises top-tier legal professionals with deep expertise in their fields. Upholding the highest standards, we aim to deliver comprehensive and optimal solutions for our clients.


Unwavering Integrity

We do not take shortcuts. We operate with honesty, ethics, and transparency, ensuring our clients trust us implicitly. Through clear communication, we empower clients to make informed decisions confidently.


Continuous Innovation

We embrace innovation. We constantly learning and seeking new strategies to enhance our services' efficiency and effectiveness. Staying ahead, we provide cutting-edge solutions tailored to our clients' ever evolving needs.

You're in Good Company...

Where Legal Insight Meets Business Foresight

Collaboration lies at the heart of our working ethos. We believe in building strong partnerships, open communication, and mutual trust to drive remarkable outcomes.

we’re here to
all your questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Here are some of your frequently asked questions we receive. If you need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

At NWC Advocates, we specialize in various areas of law, including commercial and real estate law, immigration law, Sharia law, and more. Our team of legal experts offers comprehensive services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

During your initial consultation, one of our attorneys will discuss your legal matter in detail, answer any questions you may have, and provide an initial assessment of your case. This meeting is an opportunity for you to learn about our services and determine if we’re the right fit for your needs.

The cost of legal services can vary depending on the complexity of your case and the services required. During your initial consultation, we’ll provide you with an estimate of our fees and discuss our billing structure, including any retainer fees or payment plans that may be available.

At NWC Advocates, we distinguish ourselves through our commitment to excellence, personalized approach to client service, and depth of legal expertise. Our team is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, and we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results with integrity and professionalism.

While our primary office is located in Nairoi, we have the capability to handle cases in various jurisdictions. We regularly represent clients in local, regional, and national matters, and we’re equipped to provide legal assistance wherever our clients need us.

Yes, confidentiality is a cornerstone of our legal practice. We take your privacy and confidentiality seriously, and we adhere to strict confidentiality standards to protect your sensitive information. You can trust that your information will remain confidential throughout our engagement.